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Choosing your Target Daily Decrement

Your Target Daily what???

Here we learn about the key ingredient of The Weight Loss Diet, the Target Daily Decrement.

This is how much weight you ARE GOING TO lose each day. Did you notice I said "are going to" not "want to"?

When choosing your Target Daily Decrement, you need to consider that it must be:

  1. Measurable
  2. Achievable
To be measurable, your scales need to tell you your weight at the appropriate level of detail. For example, my scales go down to a minimum level of 50 grams. I'm going to stick to metric measurements here, but the principle stays the same. So, the smallest Target Daily Decrement that I am going to be able to measure is 50 grams. But I could also target 100 grams per day. And so on.

To be achievable - you have to get to know your own body and it also depends on your level of activity. What I suggest, is aim low at first. Then, if that is too easy, you can start to aim a bit higher. The SMALLER Target Daily Decrement you choose, the EASIER it is to achieve. A great Target Daily Decrement for beginners is 50 grams per day.

Still following? Let me give an example, so this is crystal clear.


John is 90 kilos. But his doctor says that 85 kilos is a healthier weight for him. He chooses a Target Daily Decrement of 50 grams. That means, in 20 days, John will have lost one kilo. And in 100 days, he will have lost 5 kilos, reaching his target weight.
